Our students need to be instructed at their individual academic readiness, pacing, and performance levels in order to attain proficiency in core content areas and maximize growth and achievement at all levels. Data informed personalized learning activities offer the strongest probability of success on these tasks. (Root causes located on homepage)
Red color indicates elementary only
Blue color indicates DELTA Center only
Blue color indicates DELTA Center only
{Click here for 2018-19 State Panel Review Recommendations}
{Bill Metz Elementary Turnaround School Improvement Plan Addendum 2019-20}
Generation Schools Network - Pathways Plan
Pathways Plan - Improvement Strategies & Timeline 2020-21
{Bill Metz Elementary Turnaround School Improvement Plan Addendum 2019-20}
Generation Schools Network - Pathways Plan
Pathways Plan - Improvement Strategies & Timeline 2020-21
Maintain 1-to-1 computing devices for all K-12th grade students.
School Board, Superintendent, Principals
Completed in 2020. Currently maintained.
Expand collaboration through Professional Learning Community (PLC) days and data analysis and instructional planning.
Instructional Leadership Team, building leadership teams,
Build 5 PLC days for professional development and 3 PLC 'data' days to analyze data and create action plans. Continue to make adjustment to data day processes and embed purposeful PD into PLC days.
2021-2022 - elementary staff will receive 3 additional days of professional development through the partnership with GSN. |
Teachers create objectives and success critiera to enhance purposeful use of curriculum documents, instruction, and student ownership.
Principals, Instructional Coaches, teachers
2021-2022 - Secondary staff will receive a refresher on how to use curriculum materials to develop targeted objectives and success criterias.
Elementary is ongoing. |
Develop K-12 ELA curriculum to insure common terminology, rubrics, and alignment of learning outcomes
All grade level teachers, Instructional Coach, Curriculum Coordinator.
Develop and Align 2019-2020. Completed in May 2020; Implement 2020-21 school year. New programs were purchased in alignment with newly written curriculum. [ELA Curriculum]
Refresher trainings for newly written curriculum and programming (math, science, ELA) and ongoing vertical collaboration to update curriculum as needed.
Vertical curriculum teams, Instructional Coach, Curriculum Coordinator.
Math refresher - Fall 2019
ELA initial training - Fall 2020 ELA refresher - Fall 2021 Social Studies - begin vertical discussions 2021/2022. NGSS training for secondary science teachers - Fall 2021 [Click here for curriculum webpage] |
Continue to implement and maintain support for instructional staff in Gifted and Talented (GT) Strategies such as Depth and Complexity
GT Coordinator; Building GT Facilitators, Principals
2021/2022 - Depth and Complexity refresher for elementary staff.
2021/2022 - Initial Depth and Complexity training for secondary staff. Continual - GT Team work time will be scheduled at least quarterly to ensure proper lesson design and student progress toward goals. [current GT Plan Addendum] |
Modern Classroom Training for Secondary teachers - 6th through 12th grade level teachers will utilize this blended learning platform to provide more individualized opportunities for students. The ultimate goal is to utilize mastery grading through an automomous learner model.
Secondary teachers and principals
Continued implementation in 2021/2022. New teachers will be trained summer of 2021 and will receive embedded coaching and support throughout the school year.
Apply for EASI Grant (Due December 2020) to support improvement plans.
Diagnostic review was completed in March 2021 - Action plan will be created. Added two additional Professional Development days paid for by grant. |
AEC Principal
All staff All staff |
Received grant in February 2021
Action plan will be completed by December 2021. |
Optional Measures submitted to CDE for inclusion in the AEC framework
AEC Principal
Completed by April 2021
Elementary will develop and adhere to an improvement plan with the external partner (Generation Schools Network) through the Accountability Pathways Planning and Implementation Grant.
Principal, Instructional Coach, Generation Next Schools, Superintendent
Beginning January 2020 and continuing through Spring of 2022. {Pathways Plan} In response to COVID-19, the plan was revised and approved by CDE. {See Pathways Plan Update - Improvement Strategies}
All elementary teachers and instructional paraprofessionals have been trained in both Lindamood Bell Programs-Seeing Stars & Visualizing and Verbalizing. The instructional strategies are used on a daily basis to improve phonics and comprehension skills.
Principal, Instructional coach, Teachers
Initial training was completed in August 2014. Currently maintained; New staff members are trained before starting each school year. Instructional leaders and ELA instructional coach provides continuous coaching to veterans and new staff.
Colorado Read Act Training - in accordance with the Read Act legislation, all K-3 teachers and paraprofessionals will complete the mandated 6 courses in scientifically based reading instruction.
K-3 teachers and paraprofessionals, ELA Instructional Coach, Elementary Principals
Fall 2020 - teachers will complete the self-paced online courses through CDE throughout the 2020/2021 school year.
All students will receive uninterrupted Tier 1 instruction and all students will receive time for Tier 2 or Tier 3 instruction whether it is intervention or enrichment instruction in Reading AND Math everyday.
Hire additional intervention staff and school counselors to provide more intensive support for Tier II and Tier III students. |
Elementary Instructional Staff
Principals, counselors |
Implement 2017-18; currently maintained.
2021-2022 - Hired 2 secondary interventionists and 3 school counselors. These positions are guarenteed for 3 years through ESSR funding. |
Collaboratively define, agree upon and communicate high expectations for all teachers and students.
Elementary instructional staff
Building wide goals were created in 2018 to support this priority and are adjusted accordingly each year.
2020 goals are aligned with the Pathways plan with Generation Schools Network. |
Multiple Measures - Benchmark Data
Pre-K data collection (TSGold):
A research based developmentally-appropriate, authentic tool used and valued in Monte Vista is the state’s approved School Readiness Assessment TS GOLD. In use for more than a decade our five kindergarten classes were part of the first pilot of 15 classrooms statewide. This standardized observation/documentation based assessment provides us information to make informed instructional decisions for individual students, identify specific areas of need and describe elements of growth and development for parents. [Data link].
As a formative assessment Galileo Test results correlate with Colorado State Standards and CMAS state assessments. Our target of having 75% of students meet/exceed expected growth goals, or perform at grade level on the Galileo math, reading and science tests will lead us to district wide proficiency on the state tests.[ Click here for test data.]
Although SAT is in its first year as a state assessment, our target goal is to have 75% of our students college ready (cut scores have yet to be determined) in Math and English. ACT has been taken in the past to determine college and workforce readiness. With the switch from ACT to PSAT/SAT we will be able to determine growth and achievement with comparable tests, allowing us to provide instruction that is more individualized and personalized. [Click here for data]