The State of Colorado uses a formula based on acceptable scores (known as "cut scores") to determine the rating of each district based on performance on state tests administered. For more information on Monte Vista's Colorado Department of Education standardized testing reports click here.
Each spring, students in Colorado participate in standardized state testing. Annually, 3rd-8th grade students are tested in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. 5th, 8th, and 11th grades are tested each year in science. 4th, 7th and 11th grades are tested in social studies on a sampling basis. 9th and 10th grade students take the PSAT and 11th grade students take the SAT.
These results are disaggregated by subject, school, and district, as well as by subgroups of students (race, socio-economic status, etc.), scored using a formula, then reported by the state for comparability.
Each spring, students in Colorado participate in standardized state testing. Annually, 3rd-8th grade students are tested in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. 5th, 8th, and 11th grades are tested each year in science. 4th, 7th and 11th grades are tested in social studies on a sampling basis. 9th and 10th grade students take the PSAT and 11th grade students take the SAT.
These results are disaggregated by subject, school, and district, as well as by subgroups of students (race, socio-economic status, etc.), scored using a formula, then reported by the state for comparability.